Secret Company Plans Giant Monkey Breeding Plant In Rural Hendry County
LABELLE, FL. -- Despite warnings from environmentalists, State Senator Dwight Bullard and TV host Jane Velez-Mitchell, Hendry County officials seem unable or unwilling to question the safety of a breeding facility for 3,200 Macaque monkeys at a site called Oak Creek Hammock in western Hendry County just blocks from rural homes south of State Road 80 and Townsend Canal Road.
A mystery company variously calling itself "Primera" and "SoFlo Ag" with no publicly listed phone number, address or names of company representatives has gained governmental permissions to build a breeding facility in western Hendry county, just east of the Lee county line and near homes in the rural community near Bedman Creek.
In a recent broadcast by Jane Velez-Mitchell, Florida Senator Dwight Bullard called for a look into the breeding facility over worries about the environmental compatibility of plans to house in Hendry county, and eventually sell to laboratories thousands of monkeys. Bullard is on the Senate Committee on Environmental Preservation and Conservation.
Previous Southwest Florida Online Story On "Primera" Monkey Breeding Site In Hendry County
Why is it that Federal Laws protect certain birds, woodpeckers and other animals but NOT Baby Monkeys? Something is wrong with this picture.