Sunday, September 03, 2023

Labor Day 2023

The hard work and tireless efforts of American laborers has contributed to this country’s strength, prosperity, and well-being. The first Monday of every September, also known as Labor Day, is the time celebrate the achievements of American workers. Many celebrate the social and economic achievements of both blue- and white-collar workers by swimming, barbequing, spending time with family, and watching parades.

The working environment that exists now is the result of the Labor Movement in the late 19th century.

Many Americans spent over 60 hours working weekly to afford basic living, children worked to assist their families financially, and working conditions were oftentimes dangerous and strenuous, with little or no workers’ rights and low wages. These conditions led to ample rallies and strikes until Congress made changes. Now, Americans have safe working conditions, 40-hour work weeks, paid time off, sick leave, and labor departments to ensure workers’ rights.

The Florida Commission on Human Relations, Florida’s enforcer of the Florida Civil Rights Act an the Florida Fair Housing Act, comprises a team of dedicated individuals who serve workers and businesses
across the Sunshine State. Our phenomenal team strives each day to ensure that Florida workers are treated fairly, given access to all employment opportunities, and not subjected to unlawful discrimination.

As we prepare for this three-day weekend, let's take some time to acknowledge that the American Dream is made possible due to the working class; therefore, all laborers, past and present, are deserving of recognition.

Cheyanne Costilla, Executive Director
Florida Commission on Human Relations

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