USDA Increases Grapefruit Crop - Oranges Remain Same
LABELLE, Fla. (May 12, 2004) - Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture
increased its grapefruit crop forecast for the 2003-2004 season by 500,000
boxes, to 40.5 million boxes. The increase came in the colored varieties, to
24.5 million boxes with white remaining at 16 million boxes.
The orange crop remains at 245 million boxes. Valencias remain at 119 million boxes; Early and Midseason 126 million boxes; and the Navel portion of the estimate is final at 4.3 million boxes.
The Tangerine estimate was increased by 200,000 boxes, from 6.3 million
boxes to 6.5 million boxes, with the Honeys covering the increase from 2.7
million to 2.9 million boxes. Temples remain at 1.4 million boxes; Tangelos
remain at 1 million boxes.
Officials report row counts for grapefruit are slightly behind last season
with 91 percent of the colored grapefruit being harvested. Reconciliation with utilization figures resulted in the increases of both colored grapefruit and Honeys.
The yield for frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) was increased to 1.55
gallons per 90-pound box of oranges. For more Southwest Florida and small town Florida news visit Sunday Morning News