Monday, July 08, 2024

Are Florida Gas Stations Prepared For Hurricanes?

LABELLE, FL. -- Only two state have put in place laws for gas stations to cope with emergencies during hurricanes and other disasters where electric may be out for days. Florida is one and Louisiana the second.

Florida gas stations built after July 2006, must be pre-wired with a transfer switch to enable emergency power like a generator to be plugged into the stations's electrical system after a prolonged power outage. Ironically though, they are not required to have a backup generator actually on site.

According to Florida Statute 526.143, wiring must be in place to transfer the electrical load from the utility company to a generated power source no later than 36 hours after a major disaster causes a power failure.

The Florida statute is overly complicated, indicating which stations are required to comply. The Florida Legislature enacted the law in 2006, signed by then Governor Jeb Bush, after the state experienced widespread hurricane damage in 2004 and 2005. 

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