From LaBelle, Florida for Hendry and Glades County and the Lake Okeechobee region. Don Browne, editor.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Glades County Offices And Schools Open Thursday
Hurricane Idalia made landfall at 0745 (07:45 a.m.), according to the National Hurricane Center. It was the largest and strongest storm to hit the Big Bend Coast in Florida’s history. As of 1100 (11:00 a.m.),
Hurricane Idalia downgraded to a Cat 1 with current maximum winds of 80 mph. Hurricane Idalia officially exited Florida according to the National Hurricane Centers 1300 (01:00 p.m.) advisory. The current tracking of the storm has Idalia in Georgia.
• Glades County School District will be OPEN tomorrow, Thursday, 2023-Aug-31, normal operations hours.
• Glades County Government Offices will be OPEN tomorrow, Thursday, 2023-Aug-31, normal operations hours.
• City of Moore Haven will be OPEN tomorrow, Thursday, 2023-Aug-31, normal operations hours.
Sheriff's Arrests For Felony/DUI Hendry County
August 21, 2023 – August 27, 2023
Felony/ DUI Arrests
Cristal Rosas, 26, Ft Myers, was arrested on August 21, 2023, by Sgt. L. Hernandez on charges of Possession of Methamphetamine, Trafficking in Methamphetamine and Abuse to a Disabled Adult
Billy Douglas French, 29, LaBelle was arrested on August 21, 2023, by Cpl. C Earl on three (3) counts) of Felony Probation Violation and Felony Failure to Appear
Timothy M. Jackson, 31, Clewiston was arrested on August 21, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff A. Bell on Felony Failure to Appear
Angela L. Lopez, 27, Clewiston was arrested on August 23, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff D. Coronilla on charges of Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Drug Equipment
Justin Keith Reaves, 42, LaBelle was arrested on August 23, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff J. Goldbert on charges of DUI
Matthew K. Dickey, 15, LaBelle was arrested on August 23, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff E. Vasquez on charges of Intimidation/Written Threat to Commit Bodily Injury
Colton Luther Bex, 15, LaBelle was arrested on August 23, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff E. Vasquez on charges of Intimidation/Written Threat to Commit Bodily Injury
Kimberly Marie Year, 4, Clewiston was arrested on August 25, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff G. Willis on an Outstand Warrant for Grand Theft.
Leviticus Buster, 19, Clewiston was arrested on August 24, 2023, by Cpl. M. Afonso on charges of Felony Failure to Appear
Christopher D. Weedman, 35, LaBelle was arrested om August 25, 2023, by Cpl. C. Earl on charges of Driving While License Suspended or Revoke, Smuggling Contraband into a Jail Facility, Trafficking Fentanyl, Possession of Methamphetamine with Intent to Sell/Manufacture/Deliver
Juan Manuel Leiva, 48, Spring Lakes, Fl was arrested on August 25, 2023, by Cpl. L. Drew on charges of Felony Failure to Appear
Carlos Gonzalez, 86, Clewiston was arrested on August 25, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff A. Bell on charges of Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon without Intent to Kill and Firing Missile into a Dwelling
Mental Health First Aid Course September 20
Two 15-year-olds Arrested For LaBelle High School Song Threat
On Wednesday, August 23, 2023, Hendry County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Office, Evan Vasquez, was made aware of an incident where several of the School Administrators were threatened by three students through violent threats in the form of a song.
Deputy Vasquez learned through his investigation that Matthew K. Dickey and Colton Luther Bex, both 15-years-old and both from LaBelle, along with another 15-year-old Juvenile, (charges pending), created a rap song where several of the school administrators were threatened with physical harm as well as damage to their personal property. The boys are heard mentioning each administrator by name and the threat lodged against them. While speaking with each of the suspects, they each said, it was joke and they meant no harm to anyone; however, "the threats were no laughing matter," according to the Sheriff's department.
Both Colton Bex and Matthew Dickey were arrested on charges of Aggravated Assault with Intent to Commit a Felony and Intimidation by sending Electronic Threat. During their first appearance hearing on Thursday, August 24, 2023, both subjects were taken into custody and ordered to be transported to the Department of Juvenile Justice for 21 days. Charges are pending against the third student.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Port LaBelle Boil Water Notice Lifted
(August 29, 2023) – LaBelle, Fla. – The precautionary boil water notice in effect for the Port LaBelle Utility System service area has been lifted.
Bacteriological tests run on the water returned with passing results. Residents may discontinue boiling their water.
Residents with questions or concerns are asked to call 863-675-5376.
NTSB Investigates Immokalee Helicopter Crash
IMMOKALEE, FL. -- The National Transportation Safety Board and the FAA is investigating an Immokalee airport crash involving a 2008 4-seat Robinson R44 helicopter.
There was one serious injury and two minor injuries after the aircraft crashed during an instructional flight at the airport on August 26, 2023 at 11:45 am. N4147Q is owned by Airman Helicopter Inc. of Fort Lauderdale.
Monday, August 28, 2023
Glades County Emergency Storm Information August 28
MOORE HAVEN, FL. -- Glades County Emergency Management will be monitoring the progress of Tropical Storm Idalia.
Tropical Storm Idalia is expected to keep strengthening as it moves closers to the east coast of Florida with expected landfall late Tuesday evening into Wednesday in the Big Bend area.
Glades County’s Emergency Operation Center (EOC) is at a Level 3-Monitoring Activation/Phase.
Glades County Board of County Commissioners will meet tonight, Monday, 2023-Aug-28, at 1800 (06:00p.m.), to consider a Local State of Emergency (LSE) in response to Tropical Storm Idalia.
Glades County BOCC offices will be open Tuesday, 2023-Aug-29.
Glades County School officials are in close communication with Glades EOC. All schools will remain open on Tuesday, 2023-Aug-29. Glades County School officials will be monitoring the storm and will make a decision about school operations for Wednesday, 2023-Aug-30, based on upcoming forecasts.
Glades County Commission Meets August 28
5. Local Law Enforcement Trust Fund Request
6. Federal Equitable Sharing Fund (DOJ) Request
7. Request from Public Safety for approval to accept State Grant # S23-23-05-02, and requesting signature to Addendum 1.
8. Consider request from Barnhart Heavy Haul Manager to use the Alvin Ward Airboat Ramp
9. Consider extending Moratoriums for Special Exception applications for Ordinance 2018-1 and Rezoning applications in Indian Hills Subdivision and Indian Hills #2 Subdivision
10.Request approval of Proposed Auditing Services Agreement between James Moore & Co. and Glades County for the fiscal years ending 9/30/23, 9/30/24 and 9/30/25 and authorize the Chair to sign the agreement
11.Request approval of BA 22-23-08 and corresponding Resolution 2023-13
amending the FY 2023 General Fund revenue and expenditure budget for
replacement of the barn at the gun range
12.Request approval of BA 22-23-09 and corresponding Resolution 2023-14
amending the FY 2023 General Fund revenue and expenditure budget
related to housing of inmates (US Marshals) and appropriating funding from
Reserve for Contingency into the Sheriff’s budget related to the lease of the
GCDC facility
13. Acceptance of the Grant Agreement and corresponding Resolution for the
Glades County Sheriff Administration Services Facility.
14.Response to Request for Qualifications No. 2023-04 (RFQ) for Professional
Services (Architectural and/or Structural Engineering) for remodeling of the
County Jail and/or the Sheriff’s administrative offices.
15. Agreement with the Seminole Tribe of Florida (Tribe) regarding CR 721
16. Restructuring of the Public Safety Chief of Operations position and update of
job description
Hendry County Crash Ties Up Traffic On SR80
PORT LABELLE, FL. -- A crash between a Chevrolet Camero and a loaded dump truck tied up traffic on State Road 80 at Birchwood Parkway this morning starting at 7:30.
It what may have been an attempt by the truck driver to avoid hitting a car heading westbound on SR-80, the resulting crash left the truck overturned and the car heavily damaged with an occupant transported by Hendry EMS. The truck driver seemed to be uninjured and was rescued from the truck cab by EMS and Fire Department personnel.
Westbound lanes are blocked this morning pending an FHP investigation and removal of the truck and it's dirt load from the highway.Aerial Photos by Don Browne
Friday, August 25, 2023
University Shutting Down After 33 Years
Hendry Budget Public Meeting September 7
Notice is hereby given that the Hendry County Board of County Commissioners will hold a workshop on September 7, 2023, at 5:30 p.m., at the Hendry County Courthouse, Commission Chambers, 25 East Hickpoochee Avenue, LaBelle, Florida to discuss the 2023-2024 County budgets and related issues.
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Florida Keys' Watercolor Kapers - Cayman Turtle Schooner
Florida Keys’ Watercolor Kapers
by Bob Kranich
The Cayman Turtle Schooner, (Part 11, Excerpt 76)
This is a story, titled The Cayman Turtle Schooner. This story will tell about the forming and history of the Cayman Islands, the green sea turtle’s habits and life style, the building of a dugout canoe, and then a schooner, and lastly about the historic two-masted turtle schooner, A. M. Adams. They are going to look at a schooner that is being built and then build one of their own.
“You bet, Parker. But first we’ve got some boats to build.”
Grandpa and Parker went back home. They took their boat out of the water and when it dried they painted it, turtle boat blue. Then shortly, with John, Dynamite, and a wagon, their lumber began to arrive. John had decided he would extend some credit to Grandpa and Parker. He said, “Might as well bring in enough to make three boats as long as I got Dynamite hooked up.”
So “Grandpa's Boat Yard” was started. Parker and Grandpa sailed some, turtled some, fished some, and built boats. After they built and delivered the first three boats it seemed someone always wanted a turtle boat. Even so, they didn’t rush. They still enjoyed life.
“Grandpa, let’s go look at some schooners in George Town.”
“Well, Sonny, first we’ll need to get Grandma’s permission. Then we’ll do one better. If I recall, there are a couple of boat builders on Grand Cayman. We’ll see if we can visit one of them if they have a schooner under construction.
“I just love sailing, Grandpa. Is that Little Cayman there?”
“Sure is, Sonny.”
They had been sailing a little over an hour and had just lost sight of Cayman Brac.
“It is slightly smaller than our island of Cayman Brac. About two miles less in length. As soon as we pass it, in ten miles we’ve got about forty miles of open ocean. We’ll pray for good weather coming and goin’.”
It was uneventful except for a couple of flying fish that jumped over their boat.
“Land ho! Grandpa,” Parker hollered.
“Good work, Parker. You’ve got sharp eyes. Now we’ll keep our eyes open for a schooner being built on the beach. I’m going to steer parallel to the coast, and we’ll keep a lookout.”
As they rounded the northwest corner of the island, Grandpa saw what he was looking for.
“Look over there in that small bay. It’s a schooner. I kind of figured we would find something on the lee side.”
They turned in. Fortunately they could see the channel, and the way was open and clear.
“Look, Parker, it’s a nice place to launch a big boat. I’m sure that’s why they chose it.”
They pulled up on the beach and secured their boat. There were about fifteen or twenty people moving about up by the dunes. There was also a collection of sheds there. They were probably the office, sleeping quarters, and workshops of the boat builders. They could see the schooner looked finished.
“It looks like they're about set to launch, Parker,” Grandpa observe.
Parker was taking it all in. As they got closer to the structures a man approached them.
“Hi, friends. You come to partake of the celebration, and help us launch? It’s going to be first thing tomorrow morning.”
“Thanks for the invite. I think we will do just that,” Grandpa answered.
“Well, Sir, and my fine young man,” the man said, “go up and help yourself to refreshments and introduce yourselves. Most of us will sleep on the beach tonight. Tomorrow we’ll see if the Grand Cayman II schooner will float.”
“Thank ye kindly, Sir,” Grandpa answered.
“Parker, let’s see if they will let us on the schooner, so you can see how it’s constructed.”
“I’d like that, Grandpa,” Parker said.
When they got up to the schooner they could see that some people were being shown around, so they climbed up the ladder everyone was using and looked about.
A fella came up to them. “Welcome aboard. I’m Captain Walter, or at least hope to be. We’ve been working on the Grand Cayman II here the last seven months. We finished a little ahead of schedule, and tomorrow we’ll see if she floats.”
“I’m Grandpa and this is my grandson, Parker. Could we look around a bit? Parker is very interested in schooners.”
“Sure. Go ahead young fella. Look around,” the captain said, “Your Grandpa and I will visit a spell. Sir, you look familiar. Do I know you?”
“You sure do!” Grandpa said, “I just recognize you. You served as a new hand on my last schooner voyage.”
“Will I’ll be swamped! You’re First Mate Samuel!”
Grandpa interrupted, “Just call me Grandpa.”
“I sure will, Grandpa. Let me shake your hand. By the way forgive me for spying on you two, but I had my handy telescope on you two coming in. That’s a fine boat you sailed in on. What’s it called?”
“We call it a turtle boat,” Grandpa answered.
“So you’re the fellas building these boats on Cayman Brac?”
“Yep. That’s us,” Grandpa said proudly.
“Well, Grandpa, I need two. We’re going turtling just as soon as we get a’float’n and outfitted.”
“Come up, and see us. I’ll try to get you a couple,” Grandpa said.
“Grandpa, I looked around, and I got the boat in my mind,” Parker said as he came back from touring the schooner.
“Parker, let’s go up, and get ourselves some food. I’m famished! I could eat one of those flying fish we saw today, raw!”
They woke up early the next morning as the bright rays of the sun first announced the day. They could see some wagons had just come in, and people of all sorts and sizes were piling out.
“Let’s wash up, and get some breakfast, Parker,” Grandpa said to a sleepy-eyed young man peering out of a blanket on the beach.
“Look what they have done already. They have that cable from the schooner to that coral that’s jutting out there. Then it’s blocked and tackled* back to the beach. Everyone is going to pull that line, and it will pull the boat off the beach and launch her into the water.”
Right after breakfast everyone went down to the beach, and a long line of people, kids, men, and women grabbed the line. The custom was to have women pull because it was good luck. The workers had cut away the shoring under the hull. The schooner had round logs placed under it for rollers. The signal was given. Everyone pulled on the rope, and the boat slowly rolled down into the water. They all gave out yells, hollers, and screams.
Comcast Promoting "Storm Ready Wi-Fi" Device
Comcast’s new Storm-Ready WiFi device is equipped with cellular back-up and a four-hour rechargeable battery. When the power goes out, the customer’s network is automatically transitioned to cellular back-up so they can continue the use of their Internet.
Storm-Ready WiFi also doubles as a WiFi extender to deliver a strong WiFi signal to those hard-to-reach corners of the home. The device works with Xfinity gateways to create a wall-to-wall mesh network that seamlessly extends coverage throughout customers’ homes. Storm-Ready WiFi is also WiFi 6 capable, elevating the WiFi experience in the home with faster speeds, lower latency and increased bandwidth.
On sale at a price of $7 a month for 36 months available for purchase at Xfinity Stores and on
Over The Counter Hearing Aid Shopping Tips
With the new regulations, there may be some confusion surrounding the different types of hearing-aid products which include over-the-counter hearing aids, medically prescribed hearing aids that are fitted by an audiologist or doctor and personal sound amplification products. With the new rule, some consumers are not aware of the difference in uses and in returns and refunds with the over-the-counter hearing aids versus more traditional products.
Over-the-counter hearing aids are devices that amplify sound and can be purchased without professional support or a hearing test. They are for adults who suffer or perceive that they are suffering mild to moderate loss of hearing. The FDA states that a person with mild hearing loss may have difficulty hearing some speech sounds but not others. The FDA indicates that a person with moderate hearing loss may have increased difficulty hearing some speech sounds, even in a quiet room with someone talking at a normal level.
Personal sound amplification products are regulated as consumer electronics and not medical devices, they may be more variable in terms of product quality compared to hearing aids.
Tips for consumers considering over-the-counter hearing aids:
Know that positive reviews on websites can be fabricated. Check the Better Business Bureau’s website to see if the seller has a good rating and whether consumers have submitted complaints against the company.
Anyone who encounters a hearing aid scam, or any other type of fraud, can file a complaint with the Florida Attorney General’s Office online at or by calling 1(866) 9NO-SCAM.
Obituaries - Hendry County
Helen Ruth Rackstraw, 75, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family on August 17, 2023.
During her early life Helen moved all around the United States because her father was in construction and coal mining but eventually settled in Greenville, Kentucky where she called home. In 1963 she and her family moved from Greenville, Kentucky to Clewiston, Florida. When she moved to Clewiston she was a sophomore in high school and fell in love with her high school sweetheart and love of her life, Gaynam R. Rackstraw (GR).
From 1979 to 2000 Helen worked by her husband’s side at the family business Rackstraw’s Auto Electric. She then moved on to work for another 18 years at Maxis Screen Printing but being a mother and loving grandmother (NeNe) was the best and most important job to her. She loved to craft, cook/bake, decorate, and spend time with family and loved ones. She was also an active member of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Clewiston and loved Christ.
Helen is survived by her husband Gaynam R. Rackstraw, son Gaynam B. Rackstraw (wife Alexis), daughter Amy Swindle (husband Michael), as well as her six beloved grandchildren Jacob Muniz, Conner and Myles Swindle, Mackenzie Bradley, and Riley and Avery Rackstraw. She is also leaving behind sister-in-laws Brenda Busick and Rhonda Davis, brother-in-law Jack Davis, as well as several incredible and loving nieces, nephews and friends.
Celebrating Helen’s life took place on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at Akin-Davis Funeral Home in Clewiston, Florida. Visitation for friends and family was at 9am and service began at 10am.
Richard James "Richie" Cross, age 29, of Lehigh Acres, Florida formally of Fort Myers, Florida passed away on August 16, 2023, in Fort Myers, Florida after a lengthy illness.
Mary Helen Deas
Mary Helen was born in Columbia, South Carolina on October 22, 1924. She was the daughter of the late Solomon and Helen Green.
She married the late Solomon Joseph Deas in Columbia, SC and gave birth to two children, Solomon Joseph Deas Jr (Teedy) and Carolyn Diane Deas.
Mary Helen was affectionately known as Pat.
Mary was educated in the South Carolina school system in Columbia, SC, and attended Benedict College before moving to NYC.
Mary worked as a Home Health Aide for years before retiring and moving to Labelle, FL on April 30th, 1991.
After moving to FL, Mary returned to work at Senior Connections where she served hot meals to the senior citizens of Labelle until she became ill.
Mary Helen Deas transitioned quietly on August 16, 2023 at her home, surrounded by her family.
She was preceded in death by her Mother Helen Cheeks and Father Solomon Green, siblings (Johnny, Margaret, Leon and James), husband Solomon Joseph Deas and children Solomon Joseph Deas Jr (Teedy) and Carolyn Diane Bright.
She is survived by her devoted granddaughters Patricia McKenzie and Anika Deas. Grandson, David McKenzie. Great Grandson, Dorian Deas. Two great granddaughters, Peyton Aubri and Kenzie Lynn Deas. Three Nieces, Margaret Green Browne, Sheryl (Carl) Finn, and Karen Knuckles. One Nephew, Ray (Stephanie) Hammie. A special long time friend Ruby Little and a host of great nieces, nephews, family and friends.
Homegoing Services will be held on Saturday, August 26th at 11am at New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, 874 Suwannee Avenue, Labelle FL 33935. Viewing will be from 10a-11a.
Howard Jay Atun age 69, a resident of LaBelle, Florida, passed away on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at Gulf Coast Medical Center in Fort Myers, Florida.
Jody Tigertail Bert, age 44 of Clewiston, Florida passed away in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on August 14, 2023.
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Port LaBelle Water Shutting Off At Midnight Wednesday Night
This is necessary due to an emergency repair to the system. The work is estimated to last from 2 to 5 hours.
Due to the shut off, Port LaBelle Utilities users will be placed under a precautionary boil water notice when the water service is restored.
The precautionary boil water notice will be lifted when satisfactory bacteriological sampling results are obtained. The boil water notice is anticipated to be in effect for 4 days.
A boil water notice does not mean the water is contaminated. As a precaution, it is advised to boil the water for 1 minute before consumption.
Residents with questions or concerns are asked to call 863-675-5376.
Arrests This Week In Hendry County
August 14, 2023 – August 19, 2023
Felony/ DUI Arrests
Bruce Martens, 65, Live Oak was arrested on August 14, 2023, by Cpl. M. Afonso on 2 counts of Sexual Battery, victim under that age of 12
Sandra Shuntae Wright, 37, Tallahassee, was arrested on August 15, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff J. Goldbery on charges of Possession of Controlled Substance without a Prescription, Possession of Drug Equipment and Driving While License Suspended or Revoked
Dominic DeAngelo Nealy, 32, LaBelle waw arrested on August 16, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff D. Givans for Felony Probation Violation
Jerome David Tobias, 40, Moore Haven, was arrested on August 17, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff A. Bell on charges of DUI and Possession of Synthetic Cannabinoid
Gabriel Sebastian Andres, 18, LaBelle was arrested on August 17, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff N, Aguirre for Felony Probation Violation
Sergio Alejandre, 36, Moore Haven was arrested on August 18, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff G. Willis on charges of Possession of Ammunition by Florida Convicted Felony
Joshua David Walls, 23, North Ft. Myers was arrested on August 19, 2023, by Sgt. D. McNeil on charges of Possession of Cocaine, Possession of Controlled Substance without Prescription and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia use to transport Drugs.
Sergio Alejandre Arrested On Weapons and Drug Charge
In the early morning hours of August 18, 2023, Hendry County Deputies conducted a traffic stop in the area of 17 N. Lee Street within the City of LaBelle.
Due to the erratic movement of the three individuals inside the vehicle at the time of the traffic stop, deputies approached the passenger side of the vehicle making contact with 35-year-old Sergio Alejandre. When Alejandre was asked to step out of vehicle, Sergio began reaching into his pockets. While speaking with Alejandre, he did admit to deputies that he had drug paraphernalia in his pocket.
The driver of the vehicle, Gary Lee Hicks and was questioned. Hicks did consent to a search of the vehicle. Deputies did locate a loaded black in color handgun found on the passenger seat where Sergio was sitting and on the floorboard in front of the seat, they located a clear plastic bag containing methamphetamine.
It was also found that 35-year-old Sergio Alejandre of Moore Haven was a convicted Florid Felon and is currently on probation for Fleeing and Eluding.
Alejandre was arrested and charged with Possession of a Firearm/Ammunition by a Florida Convicted Felon, Possession of Methamphetamine and Felony Probation Violation
David Walls Arrested On Drug Charges
During the early morning hours of August 19, 2023, Hendry County Sergeant D. McNeil placed 23-year-old Joshua David Walls under arrest on multiple narcotics charges.
McNeil witnessed Walls driving in excess of the posted speed limit; McNeil also observed Walls’ driving routine which caused him to believe that the driver was either intoxicated, stick, injured or the vehicle may be experiencing mechanical issues. McNeil initiated a traffic stop, contacting the driver identified as Joshua Walls of North Ft. Myers, Florida. It was during this time that the Deputy could smell what he recognized to be marijuana coming from within the vehicle. Walls was then asked to exit his vehicle and did consent to a search of the vehicle.
Sgt. McNeil did locate within the vehicle marijuana, cocaine, oxycodone pills, and a THC Vape cartridge.
Walls was placed under arrest and charged with Possession of Cocaine, Possession of Controlled Substance without a Prescription, Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Drug Equipment to Transport Drugs.
On August 19, 2023, Walls was released on $17,500.00 bond.
Sandra Wright Arrested On Drug Charges
During the late afternoon hours on Tuesday, August 15, 2024, Hendry County Deputy J. Goldberg observed 37-year-old Sandra Wright driving on a public road. Deputy Goldberg had personal knowledge that Wright did not have a valid Florida Driver’s License.
After initiating a traffic stop on the vehicle, Deputy Goldberg placed Wright under arrest. He also located in her purse, a glass pipe with residue inside it as well as multiple Brillo pads. The residue in the glass pipe did test positive for bath salts.
Wright was arrested on charges of Possession of Controlled Substance without a Prescription . Driving While DL Suspended/Revoked and Possession of Drug Equipment. Sandra Wright is currently being held on $17,000.00 bond.
Bruce Martens Arrested On Sexual Battery Charges
Hendry County Detectives requested a warrant and on August 14, 2023, arrested 65-year-old Bruce Allen Martens on charges of Sexual Battery on victim under the age of 12.
HCSO Detectives received information regarding a sexual battery case from Okeechobee, after they were able to determine the crimes against the children occurred in Hendry County. The deep dive into locating the victims, interviewing them and obtaining numerous records began in April of 2022.
The victims, later identified as relatives to Martens, related to detectives that they remembered as young children between the ages of 5 and 10 being repeatedly sexually battered by Martens.
This was brought to the attention of law enforcement as one of the victims expressed concerns that Martens may be abusing his grandchildren. Victims reported these acts would occur while he was “babysitting” them in the absence of their parents.
HCSO Detectives along with deputies took 65-year-old Bruce Allen Martens into custody and transported him to the Hendry County Jail where he is being held on two counts of Sexual Battery on a victim under 12 years of age. Marten is currently being held on $1,000.000.00 bond.
Monday, August 21, 2023
Elliott K. White Joins Hendry Regional Specialty Group
A proud heir to a legacy of medical service, Elliott K. White is the grandson of the revered physician, Dr. James D. Forbes. Reflecting on his return to HRMC, Elliott remarks, "Growing up, I was inspired by my grandfather's compassionate care and dedication to the community. It's an honor to follow in his footsteps and provide quality healthcare to the people who mean so much to us."
Elliott's professional journey has taken him across prestigious institutions, shaping his exceptional skill set. His graduate education at the University of Florida exposed him to the intricacies of general surgery, orthopedic surgery, and thoracic surgery. His tenure at Tampa General Hospital refined his proficiency in colorectal surgery, while his recent contribution to a prominent orthopedic surgeon's office in Fort Myers highlighted his commitment to surgical excellence.
"I am excited to join the dedicated team at HRMC, and I look forward to contributing to our community's well-being," Elliott emphasizes. "Together with my wife Emily Paige White, who is an accomplished PA here, we are committed to providing comprehensive care and making a positive impact."
Elliott's extensive training enriches HRMC's capabilities, expanding the range of services available. Offering advanced orthopedic treatments including castings and cortisone injections, alongside innovative dermatologic procedures, and wound care.
Elliott K. White, MPAS, PA-C, sees patients at both the Clewiston and LaBelle locations, ensuring convenient access to his specialized expertise.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with Elliott K. White, please contact Hendry Regional Specialty Group by calling 863-983-5026.
Friday, August 18, 2023
Obituaries - Shirley Ray Barnes, Hilda Zimmerly, Thomas Canales
Born 1/28/1946
Went home to Jesus 8/14/2023
At the age of 77
He gave his life to Jesus in 1987 at Mt. Piscah church in Dawson Springs, KY
Proceeded in death by his mother Mary Burks and Father Shirley Barnes, sisters Lillie Barnes, Ethal Vittitow and Zelma Barnes and brother Logan Barnes.
He leaves behind 3 daughters: Mary Barnes, Carol Barnes (Destry Hall) and Nicole Borden (Michael). He has 3 grandchildren: Glenda, Cecilia and Frankie. 7 great grandchildren: Madison, Jason, Tanner, Mason, Bentlee, Jaxon and Paisley. Special thanks to nieces Roberta Johnson and Brenda Barnes for extra help.
He enjoyed fishing, building things and seek and find word puzzles. He will be greatly missed by many.
Hilda Lucille Zimmerly, age 85, of LaBelle, FL, passed away August 13, 2023 in LaBelle. She was born March 31, 1938 in Chester Township (Wayne County,) OH, to the late Marion Berg and the late Clara (Imhoff) Berg.
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Arrests This Week In Hendry County
Devon Elease Bowman, 32, Ft. Myers was arrested on 08/07/2023 by Deputy Sheriff J. Escobedo on charges of Felony Probation Violation
Michael Jayson Bennard, 31, LaBelle was arrested on 08/07/2023 by Deputy Sheriff H. Ramirez-Garcia on charges of DUI
Brandon Reginal Hendry, 34, at Large, was arrested on 08/072023 by Deputy Sheriff A. Bell on charges of Felony Probation Violation
Shomori Keif Butler, 30, Clewiston was arrested on 08/2023 by Deputy Sheriff G. Willis on 2 counts of Felony Probation Violation
Benjamin C. Chase, 40, Chepachet, RI was arrested on 08/08/2023 by Deputy Sheriff L. Rodriguez on charges of DUI and Driving While License Suspended or Revoked
Cecilia Amanda Rivera, 18, Moore Haven was arrested on 08/08/2023 by Cpl. S. Rivera on 2 counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon without Intent to Kill and Felony Criminal Mischief
Brianna Torres, 27, Clewiston was arrested on 08/08/2023 by Cpl. S. Rivera on 2 counts of Felony Probation Violation, Out of County Warrant and Possession of Methamphetamine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Obstruction without Violation
James Daniel White, 31, LaBelle was arrested on 08/08/2023 by Deputy Sheriff G. Willis on charges of Theft of Motor Vehicle and Obstruction without Violence
Michael David Jones, 24, Plant City was arrested on 08/09/2023 by Deputy Sheriff J. Keith on charges of Felony Probation Violation
Danita Denise White, 43, LaBelle was arrested on 08/10/2023 by Detective A. Nelson on charges of Fraud – False Owner Information on Pawn Items less than $300.00 and Dealing in Stolen Property
James Daniel White, 37, LaBelle was arrested on 08/10/2023 by Cpl. C. Earl on charges of Theft of Motor Vehicle
Ronald Craig Westberry, 52, Clewiston was arrested on 08/11/2023 by Deputy Sheriff H. Ramirez-Garcia on charges of Possession of Controlled Substance without a Prescription and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Byron Jamal Maxie, 33, Ft. Myers, was arrested on 08/11/2023 by Deputy Sheriff D. Givans on charges of Felony Probation Violation
Gabriel Sebastian Andres, 18, LaBelle, was arrested on 08/11/2023 by Cpl. V. Lopez for 3 counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon without Intent to Kill, Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon without Intent to Kill, Felony Burglary and Felony Probation Violation
Nicholas Jonathan Bargo, 22, St. Petersburg was arrested on 08/12/2023 by Deputy Sheriff D. Coronilla on charges of DUI
Ivan Ronaldino Martinez, 22, LaBelle was arrested on 08/12/2023 by Deputy Sheriff D. Coronilla on charges of Felony Probation Violation and Possession of Marijuana under 20 grams
Jhon Alxander Mesa, 19, LaBelle was arrested on 08/13/2023 by Deputy Sheriff G. Willis on charges of Carrying Concealed Firearm Unlicensed
Damien Rivera ,22, Clewiston was arrested on 08/13/2023 by Deputy Sheriff D. Coronilla on charges of DUI
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Community Center And State Attorney Office Paving This Week
Please be advised that these work areas may be blocked off for a period of time to conduct the work.
Motorists should expect lane closures and possible delays throughout the duration of the project and allow extra time for their commute.
Motorists should use extra caution when traveling through the work zone.
Flagmen will be present to help direct traffic.
The work is expected to have a completion time of approximately two (2) days.
Operations will occur on Wednesday (08/16/23) and Thursday (08/17/23) beginning at 7am and ending once operations are completed.
Please note that this schedule is tentative and subject to change. The Hendry County Engineering Department will notify of any changes.
Residents or motorists with any questions or concerns can contact the Hendry County Engineering Department at 863-675-5222.
Friday, August 11, 2023
Obituaries - Charles Ray Sweet, Maria Jaimes Olivares
Maria Jaimes Olivares
Jueves 12 de Abril de 1934 - Viernes 4 de Agosto de 2023
La Sra. María Jaimes Olivares de Bejucos, México, falleció el Viernes 4 de Agosto de 2023 en la casa de su hija en Slocomb, Alabama. Ella tenía 89 anos.
La familia quisiera agradecer a nuestra querida cunada, Mirna Rodriguez y Enhabit Hospice of Enterprise por el amor y el cuidado mostrado a la Sra. María.
María nació en Luvianos, Tejupilco, México el 12 de Abril de 1934, hija de Concepción Jaimes y Godellia Olivares. Se crió en Bejucos, Tejupilco, México antes de mudarse a los Estados Unidos. Ha vivido en Immokalee, Florida; Felda, Florida; Slocomb, Alabama; y Austin, Texas.
Le gustaba la jardinería, cuidar a sus gallinas, gatos y pájaros, especialmente a la pancha. También disfrutaba jugando lotería con sus familiares y seres queridos. Extrañaremos mucho a nuestra reina, María.
María deja tres generaciones de su legado que honrarán su memoria amándonos y continuando nuestra tradición familiar inculcada por la Abuela María, manteniéndonos unidos. Tres hijas, cinco hijos, treinta y siete* nietos, veintiún bisnietos y dos hermanos.
Hijas: María Santos Rodríguez, Anselma Segura Rodríguez y Angélica Jaimes Rodríguez.
Hijos: Onofre Rodríguez †, Jacobo Rodríguez †, Anacleto Rodríguez Jaimes, Luis Rodríguez Jaimes y Bernardo Rodríguez Jaimes.
Nietos: Ricky Rodriguez, Quirino Rodriguez, Onofre Rodriguez Jr., Shorty Rodriguez, Jacobo Rodriguez Jr. †, Miguel Rodriguez, Israel Rodriguez †, Ricardo Rodriguez, Regina Rodriguez, Mia Rodriguez, Roberto Rodriguez, Anacleto Rodriguez Jr., Ruby Rodriguez, Vivianna Rodriguez, Uriel Rodriguez, Rodrigo Rodriguez, Samantha Rodriguez, Kenya Costilla-Rodriguez, Luis Rodriguez Jr., Areli Rodriguez, Eric Rodriguez, Monica Rodriguez, Osvaldo R, Adamary Rodriguez, Rodolfo Rodriguez, Crystal Rodriguez, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Bernardo Rodriguez Jr., Josephine Lopez , Crystal López, Joe López Jr., Yulidia Segura, Ricardo Segura Jr. †, Yahir Segura, Leonel Jaimes Jr., Alex Jaimes, Cindy Jaimes.
Bisnietos: Ivory Rodriguez, Jayla Rodriguez, Zariah Rodriguez, Edwin Jacob Rodriguez, Alex Campbell, Lea Campbell, Kohana Rose Rodriguez, Aniya Osceola, Ezekiel Garcia, Adalynn Rodriguez, Aries Najera, Erasmo Gonzalez Jr., Gizzelle Anahi Gonzalez, Ricardo Lopez Jr., Ricardo Hernández Jr., Julissa López, Jacob Goku Hernández, Julián López, Sofía Díaz, Fernando Díaz, Natalia Díaz, Omar Segura.
Wednesday, August 09, 2023
From The Glades Property Appraiser's Office
MOORE HAVEN, FL. -- The Glades County Property Appraisers have successfully completed the 2023 Glades County Tax Assessment Rolls, and have received approval from the Florida Department of Revenue. The Department of Revenues’ approval ensures that the property tax assessment rolls comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements.
Tax Roll production requires a team of dedicated employees, with a high level of expertise in their particular role.
Mary Lou Ransom, Tangible Personal Property Clerk
Anita Woods, Exemption Specialist
Trish Coleman, Deed Specialist
Josie Boix, Tax Roll Administrator
Mailing your Notice of Proposed Property Taxes and Proposed or Adopted Non-Ad Valorem Assessments will soon be mailed. Please contact the office if you do not receive it by the end of August.
Darcie is a 4th generation Glades County resident who grew up in Ortona.
She attended Glades County Schools and was a 2019 graduate. She was a member of the Glades County 4-H program for 11 years and exhibited both Steer and Swine in the Glades County Youth Livestock shows as well as the South Florida Fair in West Palm Beach. Darcie was an FFA Officer and a member of the Livestock Judging Team, competing at the state level two years in a row. Darcie also played softball, volleyball and was a cheerleader.
Darcie is a current member of the Moore Haven Church of God and resides in Ortona. Her father, Johnathan manages Vulcan Materials Sand Mine and her mother Amanda is the second-generation owner and operator of Cracker Cookin & Catering. Darcie is blessed with two younger brothers Wesley, and baby brother, Cobe. In her spare-time she loves to hunt, enjoy a sunny lake day, and more importantly, spend time with her family and friends.
Darcie began as my Tangible Personal Property Clerk in 2019. Her work ethic, team spirit, self-motivation and attention to details made her very successful in that position. I knew she loved the outdoors and that her preference was to be working outdoors in the community rather than in the office. That made her the perfect choice when the Field Appraiser position became available in 2022. Darcie is now an expert Field Appraiser and enjoys the time she spends with the residents while she is making her site visits. Darcie says, “While I am at their property, I want to make sure that they are aware of all of the Property Tax Exemptions, as well as answer other questions they may have about their property assessment”.
Mosquito Spraying Schedule In LaBelle This Week
Hendry County will be conducting aerial adult mosquito control operations over the LaBelle Acres (Case and Evans Road), LaBelle Ranchettes (Alphabet Roads), South LaBelle and Port LaBelle Communities Wednesday, August 9th , 2023, weather permitting, through Sunday, August 13th, 2023.
If you have questions concerning this operation, please call Clarke at 800-443-2034 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Tuesday, August 08, 2023
Tai Chi Instructor Certification Class By AAASWFL
The Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention program was designed to relieve pain, improve balance, and significantly reduce falls. Designed by a team of medical professionals and tai chi experts, the Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention program is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as an exercise to prevent falls and is supported by Arthritis Foundations worldwide.
The health benefits of the Tai Chi for Arthritis and for Fall Prevention program include: increased flexibility, muscle strength, and fitness; reduce stress and promote relaxation; improve immunity; lower cholesterol and blood pressure; and improve body posture.
To become a certified Tai Chi for Arthritis instructor, please contact Gloria Lappost, AAASWFL’s Health & Wellness Coordinator at or by calling 239-652-6914.
Funding for the Tai Chi for Arthritis program is provided by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs.
Monday, August 07, 2023
Scam Alert - Donations To Sheriff's Office
PLEASE BE AWARE…. someone is contacting the public asking for donations for the Hendry County Sheriff's Office. We are NOT soliciting money for the Sheriff's Office. THIS IS A SCAM!
We recently received information from a concerned citizens who had gotten a call from someone asking for donations on behalf of the deputies of Hendry County Sheriff’s Office. The citizen that made us aware of this, stated that the caller was asking for donations to support the Sheriff’s Office and their families.
Please don't fall victim to these scammers. These callers typically use language that suggests they are charities raising money directly for local police. But the truth is…IT’S A SCAM.
Please let your family and friends know.
Davis-Pratt Park Closed For Ant Control
The closure is necessary while the park is treated for ant control.
Residents with questions or concerns are asked to call Hendry-LaBelle Recreation at 863-675-5347.
Thursday, August 03, 2023
Cowboy Way Closed In Portion Of Port LaBelle Due To Flooding
Motorists traveling west bound on Cowboy Way are to take NW Raintree Blvd to Dellwood Terrace to Birchwood Pkwy to continue west on Cowboy Way.
Motorists traveling east bound on Cowboy Way are to take Birchwood Pkwy to Dellwood Terrace to NW Raintree Blvd to continue east on Cowboy Way.
The purpose of the road closure is to perform operations to alleviate flooding in Port LaBelle south of Cowboy Way and east of Birchwood Pkwy.
Residents with questions are asked to please call the Hendry County Engineering Department at (863) 675-5222.
Wednesday, August 02, 2023
Arrests In Hendry County This Week
Hendry County Felony Arrests/DUI
Dylan Sean Vary, 22, Clewiston was arrested on July 25, 2023, Deputy Sheriff D. Coronilla on two (2) counts Felony Probation Violation and Fleeing and Eluding
Cristobal Contreras, 45, North Fort Myers was arrested on July 26, 2023, on Deputy Sheriff J. Escobedo on charges of Driving While License Suspended, 3rd or Subsequent Violation
Roberto Cruz Rangel, 49, LaBelle was arrested on July 26, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff J. Escobedo on charges of DUI, Operating a Motor Vehicle without a License and Possession of Controlled Substance without a Prescription
Jose Blas Gomez-Canales, 38, Clewiston was arrested on July 27, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff D. Givans on charges of Felony Probation Violation and Misdemeanor Probation Violation
Leatrice Beth Cypress, 41, Clewiston was arrested on July 27, 2203, by Sgt. J. Olvera for Felony Probation Violation
Reese R. Capozzi, 35, Wellington, Fl was arrested on July 27, 2023, by deputy Sheriff D. Givans was arrested on charges of DUI, Possession of Vessel Part with an Altered Hull ID and Reckless Operation of Vessel
Shomori Keif Butler, 30, Clewiston was arrested n July 28,2023 by Cpl. S. Rivera on charges of Felony Probation Violation, Armed Robbery and Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon
Javier Terrill Campbell, 17, Clewiston was arrested on July 28, 2023, by Deputy Sheriff L. Rodriguez on charges of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Possession of Deadly Weapon by Juvenile
Winston McDonal Gikes, 24, Georgia was arrested on July 29, 2023, by Inv. A. Nelson n charges of Attempted Murder
Florida Keys' Watercolor Kapers By Bob Kranich
Florida Keys’ Watercolor Kapers
by Bob Kranich
The Cayman Turtle Schooner, (Part 11, Excerpt 76)
This is a story, titled The Cayman Turtle Schooner. This story will tell about the forming and history of the Cayman Islands, the green sea turtle’s habits and life style, the building of a dugout canoe, and then a schooner, and lastly about the historic two-masted turtle schooner, A. M. Adams. Parker has designed a boat he calls the Turtle Boat. They have just finished it and are going to sail it.
A week later…
“The planking took us a lot of fitting, Grandpa.”
“Yes, but that is what will keep it from leaking. That, and the glue, and pitch sealer. All we’ve got left is to put a couple of cross planks to sit on and a real stiff plank out front with a hole in it to accept the mast. We’ll have go back to find and cut a mast and a boom.”
“Also, Grandpa, we’ll have to make us two more paddles. Do we need an outrigger?”
“Parker, this boat is wider than the dugout canoe, let’s try without it.”
“There it is, Parker, all finished. What were you going to call it?”
“A turtle boat, Grandpa. Now I’d like to paint it.”
“What color and why?”
“Well blue, naturally, Grandpa. It will look real nice and will camouflage the bottom of the boat so the fish and turtles won’t see us when they look up.”
“Makes sense. Tell you what, when we go to town and try it out, we’ll buy some. What color did you say?”
Blue, Grandpa, turtle boat blue.”
Out on the sea…
“She sure sails great! What do you think, Parker?”
“Yes, Grandpa. I love it!”
Sebastian had been free for a whole month now. He had paddled fast and furious for a couple of days and then slowed down. He had headed north, paddling leisurely at his own comfortable speed. Occasionally he would run into patches of seaweed floating on the top of the water. This gave him some nourishment, but he longed for some of that tender sweet sea grass that was just off shore.
He knew he had been swimming in real deep water, because when he had dived down, he couldn’t find a bottom. That never really bothered him because he could just float whenever he tired. He did want to find that sea grass, but he needed shallows off shore for that. Sebastian was rewarded when he ran into a large land mass. Of course he didn’t know that it was south central Cuba.
He had gone into the shallows and found the food he was looking for. He then saw some other green turtles. Since he was wary and kind of a loner, he kept his distance. He did notice that some turtles would congregate together.
One day he saw two boats put out from shore and head towards the turtles. He didn’t like the look of things, and he headed out. He then saw men in the boats throw nets over some of the turtles. He took a deep breath and dove. Sebastian decided to go down to the bottom and stay. He thought, I’ll just lodge my shell under a rock and slow down, maybe just sleep. It worked, and his heartbeat slowed down to once every nine minutes.
After a couple of hours he came up to the surface. It was dark. He paddled around and grazed on that sweet tender sea grass he loved so. His serrated jaw was made especially to cut sea grass and other sea plants. Occasionally he also ate algae. In fact all adult green sea turtles are herbivores.*
When it got light he saw a couple of green sea turtles. They had come up from a dive close to him. He saw they were females. He paid them no mind. He would not be interested in female green sea turtles for at least another ten years. Males don’t breed until they are fifteen to twenty years old.
Sebastian decided to move farther west along the coast. Using his very keen sense of smell he knew he would find the sea grass up that way also. He also didn’t want to see any more of those small boats.
At Channel Bay, Grandpa and Parker found some of that turtle boat blue paint they wanted, as Parker had named it. When they came out of the small combination food, clothing, and hardware store they saw a group of people were on the dock admiring their turtle boat. One of the men was Captain James Green of the sloop Mable Jane.
“Hi, Grandpa. Hi, Parker, Is this your boat? It looks sturdy but light. Where did you get it?” Captain James asked.
“Why, my grandson here designed it, and we built it,” Grandpa answered.
“This young fella is very intelligent and a good idea man. I saw you two come into the harbor. It sails right smart! Would you want to sell it?”
“Grandpa answered, “No, but we’ll build you one.”
Then the owner of the store who had followed them out said, “Hey, make me one!”
A turtle fisherman standing by said, “Me too! I mean one for me also!”
Grandpa said, “Whoa...we’ll make each of yours in the order you asked. But we need a month apiece. Don’t want to kill ourselves. Besides we want to sail this boat some too!”
On the way out of the bay, Parker said to Grandpa, “How we going to make all of those boats, Grandpa?”
“Well, Sonny, it looks like we got a boat building business started, thanks to you. I guess John and his friend will be busy getting us mahogany boards. With the down payment each of those three gave us we can build the first one and when we get paid for it we’ll be able to build the other two. Wait until Grandma hears about this!”
As they were rounding the part of the island a two-masted sailing ship came into view. It was out farther and passing them, heading in the general direction they were going.
“What’s that ship, Grandpa?”
“It’s called a schooner, Parker. Remember, Captain James’ ship is a sloop, one-masted. That there ship has two masts, two main jib sails, and booms. Now in front is an additional sail just like the sloop has.
“I like that boat, Grandpa. The next time I build a different kind boat it will be one of those! Where did it come from and where is it going?”
“That schooner is probably a turtle schooner out of George Town in the Grand Cayman island. It’s two islands west of here, about seventy-five miles. It is probably going to the turtle grounds off Cuba or Nicaragua. If they go up to Cuba they will have to watch out. You never know just how the Spanish who run that island will react. They're starting to restrict turtling around their island.”
“Grandpa, sometime can we go to George Town and see some schooners?”
County Working On Flooding Solution For Somerset Drive
The flooding is a result of recent heavy rains in the area and drainage culvert on Cowboy Way near Birchwood Pkwy that are too small to carry the amount of water draining northward toward the drainage canals, and ultimately going into the Caloosahatchee River.
Somerset Drive and other streets in the area should be avoided, if possible. If travel through the area is necessary, drivers are urged to use extra caution.
Residents with questions are asked to please call the Hendry County Engineering Department at (863) 675-5222.
Janet T. Hammond Dies At 87
Janet was born in Atlanta, Georgia on May 2, 1936 to the late Wesley and Doris Turnipseed. She graduated from Sylvan Hills High School in 1954 and later began her 31-year career with Delta Air Lines.
31st Season For LaBelle Community Theatre
"Arsenic and Old Lace" (Comedy) October 27, 28, 29 and November 3, 4, 5
"The (Best)Worst Christmas Pageant Ever" (Comedy) December 3, 4, 5 and December 8, 9, 10
"Marjorie Prime" (Drama) January 5, 6, 7 and 12, 13, 14
"Til Beth Do Us Part" (Farce/Comedy) February 9, 10, 11 and 16, 17, 18
"Cahoots" (Comedy/Thriller) March 8, 9, 10 and 15, 16, 17
"The Book Club Play" (Comedy) April 19, 20, 21 and 26, 27, 28
Additional shows to look forward to (tickets sold separately from the Season lineup) include an Elvis Tribute Show, and other musical tribute shows! More information will be sent out as additional entertainment is scheduled!
Call the Ticket Hotline: (863) 675-3066 to get your tickets. Leave a message and someone will call you back.