Friday, August 27, 2010

Bullying Website Intends To Inform

Controlling School Bullying

For children and youth to thrive in their schools and communities, they need to feel safe and be safe - socially, emotionally, and physically. According to a new website, youth, parents, schools, communities, and others have a role to play in building positive, supportive environments for children and youth, promoting acceptance and respect among all individuals, and ultimately, fostering youth development and learning.

The site says bullying is a form of youth violence, aggressive behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power or strength. This new web site is a 'one-stop' site for parents, educators, and community members seeking federal resources on bullying. It includes a question and answer section as well as videos, feature articles, and tools schools and communities can use to educate members about bullying.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:15 AM

    You should look at all the bulling on News zap it crazy!!
