Wednesday, September 06, 2006

John Perry Loses School Board Seat

Primary Voters Make Local Changes

LABELLE, FLORIDA -- Tuesday's primary elections shifted local positions, including the upset of long-time Hendry school board member John Perry, Jr. Perry lost to Matt Beatty who garnered 53% of the vote to Perry's 28%. Beatty was an early campaigner, and was seen in the Port LaBelle area going house to house several weeks before the election. Perry also made the house-to-house rounds, and  plastered plastic campaign signs on neighborhood street corners, although all were in violation of Hendry county sign ordinances that disallows signs on public property, or on private property without permission of the property owner. Cynthia Potter came in third with 19% of the votes.

In Glades county, Alvin Ward  took 58% of the vote to win the Glades District 2 Democratic Party County Commission position over Fran Koebert. The Moore Haven City Council race ended up with three candidates getting 26% of the votes: Bret Whidden, Mike Brantley, and John Ahern. David Dannerhauer received 24% of the votes.

Glades voters voted for the one cent sales tax, 59% for and 41% against. 745 voters said "no" to the Glades Property Tax Exemption and 742 said "yes."

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