Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Upgrading Computer To Vista?

Federal Agencies Banning Upgrade

LABELLE, FL. -- Thinking about an upgrade to your computer using the new Microsoft Vista operating system?  Citing concerns about system compatibility and costs to upgrade, the federal Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration have banned any upgrades to its government owned computers. The agencies' computer users are also banned from upgrading to Office 2007 and Internet Explorer 7.

The agencies have put an indefinite moratorium on upgrades because "there appears to be no compelling technical or business case for upgrading," according to the Department of Transportation's chief information officer Daniel Mintz.  The government is concerned with compatibility with software, and upgrade costs. The two agencies have 60,000 desktop computers.

Experts say that if you are considering the upgrade purchase you make sure all hardware is Vista-compatible, when possible purchase it pre-installed by buying a new computer, verify that all your needed applications work in Vista, check that you have all Vista-compatible drivers for hardware components, and expect to need lots of support for the transition.

Our advice: If your current computer is running well, and your application software is serving you adequately, stick with what you have. You will save hours in learning new programs, and save hundreds of dollars.

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