New Students Ready For Construction Jobs
LABELE, FL. -- Graduating last week from the construction trades classes in Port LaBelle were five newly trained graduates ready to begin a construction career. Pictured are: Geri Yoraschek, Chairman ECSWF, Dave Smith (rear), Construction Trades Worker Instructor, Rhonda Haag SFWMD Consultant, Michelle Waldron (front) Student Graduate, Ed McGlynn (rear) CFO for Steeltek (Training Contractor), Andre Gonzales (front) Student Graduate, Joni Bearden (rear) Assistant Instructor, Betty Williams (front) Student Graduate, Donald Harris Student Graduate, Sonny Hughes (rear) Executive Director ECSWF, Judy Nothdurft SFWMD Ass. Director for West Coast, Saul Gonzalez (not in picture) Student Graduate.
The mission of the ECSWF is to provide the skills and training requirements of business and industry in rural Southwest Florida by offering classes, seminars, and other educational and training programs designed to establish a workforce ready for career employment.
The ECSWF will work cooperatively and in conjunction with existing public and private schools and with public and privately funded programs already established. The ECSWF will service residents of rural southwest Florida counties including Glades, Hendry, Lee, Collier and Charlotte. The service area also includes the Big Cypress, Immokalee and Brighton Seminole Indian reservations.
The Education Center of Southwest Florida, Inc., South Florida Water Management District and the SWFWorkforce Development Board are working together to have "Construction Trades Worker" classes start every six weeks in LaBelle.
Level 1 -Training will consist of First Aid, CPR, OSHA Training, as well as, learn Safety, Employability Skills, Blue Print Reading, Basic Rigging, Construction Math, Masonry, Carpentry, Plastic Pipe, and introduction to Hand and Power Tools. It is a 5 week course.
For further information regarding this Training Course, please contact Sonny Hughes, Executive Director for the Education Center of Southwest Florida Inc., (863) 675-6800 or e-mail SHughesedcenter@embarqmail.com. Next class will start March 3.
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