Sunday, February 08, 2009

What's The Future Of Our Children?

Letter To The Editor - 50 People Let Go By Hendry Schools

Dear Editor;

We are writing this letter jointly to share our concern about the future of Hendry County's children.  As you and the community well know, Hendry County School District is laying off more than 50 people who work directly with students.  This was a heart-wrenching decision that the school board and superintendent made; they fully realize not only the impact on the children's lives, but on the fragile economic state of this county too. 

These people have dedicated themselves to helping students achieve academic success and better futures for themselves.  Not only will the instruction and individual support be gone from these children's lives, but also the personal relationships that have formed.  Our young people at all ages are vulnerable; they are feeling the stress and strain of the economic uncertainty in their personal lives.  Now that uncertainty has entered their classrooms.  Hendry County's children should spend their school hours learning new skills, developing personal goals, forming friendships, and having fun. They should not have to wonder who will be there for them in the future.  For many young people today, school is the most stable, consistent thing in their lives; that stability has been ruptured. 

Economics and financial problems are considered adult problems, but the problems are being thrust onto our children by the harsh decisions that have to be made.  We adults are supposed to protect and fight for our young people, our future.  Educators alone cannot do this, parents alone cannot do this; it must be the entire community lifting its united voice to tell our elected officials at both state and national level to protect our children.  Tell them to protect our children by protecting their educations, by protecting the stability of their classrooms. 

The Governor has made the comment that he has not seen the protestors fighting the cuts to education.  The educators are protesting, but they are doing what they do best first­educating children.  Please help us in this fight to protect our children.


Debbie Steelman, President, Hendry Educational Support Personnel Association

Tina R. Noel, President, Hendry County Education Association

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