From LaBelle, Florida for Hendry and Glades County and the Lake Okeechobee region. Don Browne, editor.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Boater's Death At Port LaBelle Marina
Casey Anthony's Father Testifies On Suicide
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
How To Phone A Hendry Jail Inmate
Hendry County Sheriff Simplifies Inmate Communication
Hendry County Sheriff Steve Whidden has selected a new inmate phone service provider to save labor, increase security, and enhance investigation tools. He has recently awarded Telmate, LLC a new contract to provide inmate telephone systems and service to Hendry County Jail in LaBelle.
This new service reduced the amount of administrative work that correctional officers performed passing messages from friends, family members and attorneys. Telmate provides each inmate with one call upon booking so they can notify their family of their whereabouts and condition. On the day of the changeover all inmates got free calls for 24 hours so they could notify their families of the new phone system and how to place and pay for calls. The software provides voicemail service whereby families and other approved outside parties (like attorneys) may leave a confidential voice message for an inmate.
Telmate kiosks can been found at the Hendry County Sheriff's Office lobby in both Clewiston and LaBelle; this will allow family members and friends of inmates to deposit funds for phone calls at the county jail. By placing a kiosk in the Clewiston sub-office it provides easier access to family members and eliminates the 30 mile drive to LaBelle. In addition, a 24/7 toll free bi-lingual customer service line offers facility staff, inmates and family members a significant improvement for issue resolution.
The Hendry County Jail will be able to streamline transfers of inmates to and from Glades County Jail, which also utilizes the Telmate system. When an inmate is released they will be issued a MasterCard debit card which is an easy-to-manage option for returning unused funds. This program eliminates the need for facility staff to handle cash or write checks and allows released inmates access to their own money, even if they have no bank account.
With the new Telmate phone system, inmates will use voice verification technology along with a PIN number before each phone call. This will protect each inmate's phone time securely by establishing identities during the call placement process. The Telmate system makes available a tremendous number of new tools available to crack down on criminal activities by allowing live secure review of inmate phone calls.
Sheriff Steve Whidden stated "under this contract, Telmate pays for all equipment, maintenance, software and infrastructure to provide inmate phone service and payment kiosks. This includes any upgrades to the system or additions in hardware to ensure that Hendry County receives the most advanced solution possible, at no cost to the taxpayer."
Monday, June 27, 2011
Florida Gas Prices Lower - Hendry Still High
Including the change in gas prices in Florida during the past week, prices yesterday were 85.5 cents per gallon higher than the same day one year ago and are 21.5 cents per gallon lower than a month ago. The national average has decreased 21.0 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 84.0 cents per gallon higher than this day one year ago.
Jose Baez Tries To Find Casey Incompetent
Saturday, June 25, 2011
"A Legal Issue Has Arisen" - Anthony Trial Recessed!
6. Witness Perjury or Jury Misconduct? Many have reported unbelief in Cindy Anthony's testimony, and an investigation may have been underway surrounding her former nursing job and time cards testified about. With the many delays and inconvenience of sequestration of out-of-town jurors (they are from St. Petersburg) there might have been occasion for a juror to have discussed the case or heard something about the case they should not have in recent days.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Jose Baez Gets Grandmother To Lie?
Watch live video from Don Browne - Florida on
Shocking Testimony From Cindy Anthony
Why Jose Baez Uses Attorney Sims To Get Casey Off
(photo: Sims comforting crying Casey Anthony)
Obese Kids - A Health Concern For Parents
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Free Hunter Course In Moore Haven
Shooting Range And Online Course Available
MOORE HAVEN, FL. -- The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) will host a free hunter safety course on Saturday, June 25, in Moore Haven.
People seeking certification must successfully complete the online portion of the course, print and bring their final Web report to the FWC course on June 25.
Students will learn about hunting laws, safe gun handling and hunter ethics/responsibility, among other topics, before taking the final test. The course also includes live-fire instruction on a shooting range.
The location and time for this class will be given to those who register in advance by calling the FWC's South Region office at 561-625-5122 or going to
Anyone born on or after June 1, 1975, must pass an approved hunter safety course before purchasing a Florida hunting license. Parents or legal guardians must accompany children under 16 years of age to all classes. To participate in the live-fire exercises, children under 18 years old must present a parental release form signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Tennessee Deputy Busted For Taking Unclothed Victim Photos
Deputy Tells Two Women Photos Of Their Exposed Bodies Were Needed
The Justice Department says former Hickman County, Tennessee Deputy Sheriff Kenneth H. Smith, 43, pleaded guilty today to violating the rights of two women by photographing parts of their unclothed bodies under the false pretense that those photographs were necessary for an official investigation.
While working as a deputy sheriff, Smith was assigned to investigate two domestic violence complaints. During his investigatory interviews, Smith told the victims that he needed to take photographs of their exposed bodies to document injuries, including intimate areas of their bodies where no injury had occurred.
Smith, abusing his power and position, lied to the victims and claimed these photographs were necessary for the police investigation and prosecution, when in fact the photos were not for legitimate law enforcement purposes, but for himself . The victims, trusting a law enforcement officer to protect them, acquiesced to Smith's authority.
Smith also lied to FBI agents about sending text messages to a former female inmate in which he requested the former inmate send him nude pictures of herself, in return for Smith's help in dismissing or reducing the outstanding criminal charges against her.
When Smith was confronted with photographs of the explicit text messages coming from his personal cell phone number, Smith continued to lie to FBI agents that he had not sent them.
A Small Bit Of Tax Relief For Florida
Florida Governor Rick Scott today hailed his signing of legislation that will save homeowners and businesses throughout Florida $210.5 million on property taxes due in 2012. Senate Bill 2142 caps the taxes Florida's five water management districts can assess on residential and commercial properties.
What Scott hasn't said very clearly is the tax saving only amounts to a few dollars a year for the average homeowner. Typically it will save from $5 to $10 per home in 2012 depending on property taxable value.
Across four of the five water management districts, Scott says property owners will save an average of 30 percent on their 2011-12 property taxes. Residents will see varying levels of savings, depending on where their property is located. Property owners in the Southwest Florida Water Management District will see the greatest savings. Savings for all five districts are as follows:
- Southwest Florida Water Management District 36% reduction
- South Florida Water Management District 30% reduction
- St. Johns Water Management District 26% reduction
- Suwannee River Water Management District 8% reduction
- Northwest Florida Water Management District No increase
In addition, Scott says citizens will have more access to information about each water management district's budget. Each district is required to provide a monthly financial statement to its governing board and make the information available to the public on the district's website.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Hendry Health Department Exposes Tobacco Targeted To Kids
regular cigarettes.
Against Tobacco (SWAT) chapter conducted a presentation during the Tobacco-Free Hendry County Partnership monthly meeting.
Florida Asks Sanctions Against Jose Baez
Monday, June 20, 2011
Clewiston Man Graduates From Officer Candidate School
Jose Baez Argues Unfairness - Gets Schooled Again
Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton told the judge he would be bringing a motion for sanctions against Jose Baez because Ashton says, Baez provided yet another incomplete expert witness report that doesn't show fully what opinions and conclusions the expert will be testifying about.
The attorneys met in chamber with the Judge for about an hour and then the Judge with the assent of the attorneys mysteriously recessed the court until Tuesday.
Florida Gas Prices Lower But Hendry's Still High
Including the change in gas prices in Florida during the past week, prices yesterday were 92.5 cents per gallon higher than the same day one year ago and are 24.0 cents per gallon lower than a month ago. The national average has decreased 19.0 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 92.7 cents per gallon higher than this day one year ago.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Jose Baez May Be In Contempt Of Court
Judge Will Deal With Baez' "Ambush" Testimony - Failure To Follow Court Order
(Video: Judge "Schools" Jose Baez Again, Threatening Contempt Order)
Friday, June 17, 2011
National Data Research Center - A Scam?
Lord Of The Flies? Casey Anthony Defense Continues
Huntington told the Judge he had told Jose Baez that he didn't think there was evidence of a decomposing body in Casey Anthony's car, having looked only of photos, because there was not enough body fluids left in the carpet, adding a "professional cleaner" would have had to clean the car to remove those fluid stains.
The prosecution was never told about Huntington's opinion statement to Baez on the Anthony car stain, nor did it appear in his final report, leading the prosecution to object to this line of questioning before the jurors.
Huntington told the jury, the flies found in the Anthony car had "no forensic value," as he claims they are so common, they would be expected to be found in any bag of trash or garbage, in contrast to the prosecution's testimony that the flies found were commonly seen in decomposing bodies.
Update: In the afternoon session Prosecutor Jeff Ashton tore into Dr. Huntington's morning testimony, fairly well demolishing the defense expert. Ashton got Huntington to admit there's a great difference between a study of pigs in a car trunk, and a 2-year old child wrapped in a blanket, inside two garbage bags, and then inside a laundry bag.
Ashton also demolished the defense expert's theory that the flies in the trunk were attracted to containers full of chewing tobacco spit, and food in the trash and not decomposing Calley's body. Huntington was shown the actual evidence for the first time, instead of photos he had seen, and discovered there actually was no food or spit in the actual trash evidence.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
LaBelle Animal Rescue - Cabinet Shoppe Foreclosed
Animal Rescue of LaBelle, Inc was registered with the IRS as a non-profit in 1993. The 2006 IRS form 990 showed assets of $11 and income and expenses of $65,498. In 2007 assets were listed at $10,000 and income of $50,211. In 2009 income was $61.234.
The shelter's IRS filing for 2010 shows $38,856 income, and expenses $39,009. Expenses included $11,490 for salary, $900 for building maintenance, and $26,619 for "other." Assets were $7,722. (See link below for 2010 IRS Tax Forms Filed)
The 2010 "balance sheet" (actually an expense report) filed with the IRS shows the "other" expenses included $5,184 for mortgage, $4,800 for autos, $8,670 for food, $1,668 for utilities, $1,450 for vet, $1,325 for cleaning mat, $1,104 for cell phone, $804 for phone, and $756 for interest and bank charges.
The IRS form says 200 dogs and 110 cats were saved from "certain death" in 2010 by the shelter, and noting not as many as in past years because of dramatically reduced donations due to the recession.
A lis pendens was filed in November 2009 against the property, at which point the bank filed foreclosure and refused any further payments from Sheppard.
Why Were Mortgage And Auto Expenses On 2010 IRS Filing?
Because Animal Rescue does not own the property, there should be no expenses for a mortgage. If there were no mortgage payments made in 2010 (First Bank had a mortgage against Eurotex, the actual property owner, and Eurotex reportedly made no payments to the bank in 2010), we wonder why Sheppard shows $5,184 for "mortgage expenses" and similarly because Ford Motor Credit has two judgments this year against the shelter, why is $4,800 for "auto" expenses given to the IRS as shelter expenses?
Animal Rescue of LaBelle, Inc. and Peter C. Stockwell have a final judgement against them by Ford Motor Company Credit LLC filed May 11, 2011 for $20,000, and a second final Judgement by Ford filed June 2, 2011 for $7900.
Hendry records indicate Peter Sheppard's company bought the property for the cabinet shop at 703 N. Bridge Street in November, 2004 for $65,000 from Harold P. Curtis. The lot containing the animal shelter was originally purchased by Animal Rescue of LaBelle earlier but deeded to Eurotex Inc. in August 2002.
2010 IRS Form 990 Income Tax Filing - Income and Expenses for Labelle's non-profit animal shelter
Update 6/29/2011: The foreclosure sale took place and 1st Bank is the highest bidder. Apparently the defendant filed two appeals to the District Court of Appeals. The certificate of title from the Clerk of the Court should issue to 1st Bank in 10 days, after which the bank will be able to take possession with the assistance of the Sheriff if necessary.
Casey Anthony's New Witness Vasco Thompson
George Anthony's attorney, Mark Lippman, put out a press release Wednesday denying Mr. Anthony ever knew or talked with Thompson.
Update: Thompson held a news conference June 17 saying he doesn't know George Anthony or never called him. He said he didn't have the phone number claimed by Jose Baez' defense attorneys to call Anthony in July, 2008, but got the phone later in January 2009.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Cindy Anthony Testifies Again Against Daughter Casey
Cindy reportedly mouthed "I Love You" in the direction of Casey as she left the witness stand. No reply from Casey was seen.
Defense Case To Begin Thursday June 16
The defense's case, led by attorney Jose Baez, will begin on Thursday, June 16 according to Judge Perry. Baez was asked by the Judge if he wanted to begin Wednesday, but declined. Whether Casey Anthony will testify in her own defense is still in question.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Florida Gas Prices Continue Falling This Week
Including the change in gas prices in Florida during the past week, prices yesterday were $1.01/g higher than the same day one year ago and are 29.4 cents per gallon lower than a month ago. The national average has decreased 23.3 cents per gallon during the last month and stands $1.01/g higher than this day one year ago.
Death In Hendry Three Vehicle Crash
Friday, June 10, 2011
Health Caution Statement - Caloosahatchee River
Caution For Swimming, Fish Eating - Caloosahatchee River
The Hendry and Glades County, Florida Health Departments are recommending caution of exposure for humans, pets, or livestock to the waters of the Caloosahatchee River for the next few weeks.
A toxin produced by Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) has shown up in preliminary tests which can cause harm to fish, animals and humans when swallowed. This blue-green algae is also known to reduce the oxygen levels in the water as the algae bacterium decomposes resulting in fish kills.
At this time, the Hendry and Glades County Health Departments have not received any information that the toxins in the Caloosahatchee River have reached harmful levels. However, the Health Departments are recommending that people in the communities avoid eating fish from the river if dead fish are floating on the surface, in addition to avoiding ingestion (swallowing) the river water.
The World Health Organization reports that humans can be affected with a range of symptoms including skin irritation, stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever, sore throat, headache, muscle and joint pain, blisters of the mouth and liver damage.
Swimmers in waters containing the cyanobacterial toxins may suffer allergic reactions such as asthma, eye irritation, rashes, and blisters around the mouth and nose. The toxins can also affect the kidneys.
There are two toll free hotlines available for people to report fish kills or illness associated with blue-green algae:
Fish Kill Hotline (Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission) 800-636-0511
Human Illness (Florida Aquatic Toxin Hotline) 888-232-8635
Hendry-Glades Obituaries
She is survived by her two sons: William Jerry Bush of LaBelle, FL and Donald Larry Bush of LaBelle, FL; grandchildren: Randy (Debbie) Bush, Dwaine (Sandra) Bush, Jennifer (Timothy) Barron, Heather (Tom) Herrera, Kimberly (Lynn) Lyols, Lisa Rene Bush, Sonja Lynn (Dave) Lusk, William Donald Bush; great grandchildren: Justin Bush, Steven Bush, Seth Bush, Tara Wurster, Jessica Barron, Alainee Herrera, Mallory Herrera, Noah Herrera, Arania Bush, Zachary Lusk, Jeri Lyn Lusk, Sonja Rene Bush and Kristin Bush; great-great grandchildren: Frankie Wurster, Penny Wurster and Marie Bush; sister: Corrine Motyl and many nieces and nephews.
Mattie was preceded in death by her husband William Donald Bush in 2004.
The funeral service was held at 11:00 am on Thursday, June 9 at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, LaBelle, FL with Pastor W. T. Maddox, Jr. officiating. Interment in Fort Denaud Cemetery.
Survivors include his children: Donald Fred Howard Jr. and wife Deborah, Erie Bruner and Seth Lewis Howard and wife Felisha, grandchildren, Libby Peacock, Melissa Saxon, Michael Howard, Shawn Keen and wife Robyn, great-grandchildren: Hayden Saxon, Mallory Saxon, Abby Keen, Leeah Peacock, Emily Peacock, Tanner Williams, Easton Robinson, Conner Robinson, Kinderah Robinson, brother: Wayne Howard (Carolyn), sisters: Linda Cleghorne (Jerald) and Sandra Thomas (Jimmy), sister in law: Ethelene Howard and a host of other family and friends. He was predeceased by his wife, Louise Howard and brother: Robert W. "Pee Wee" Howard.
A graveside service was held Friday, June 10, 2011, 10:30 am at Fort Denaud Cemetery in LaBelle with Seth Howard and Pastor L.W. Howard officiating. Interment followed in Fort Denaud Cemetery, LaBelle
Preceded in death by her husband, Jack W. Newsome; mother, Mattie Miller and son, Andrew Newsome. Betty, along with her husband, Jack, owned Sawgrass Restaurant in South Bay for some 20 years.
Survivors include two daughters, Bridgette Kipp (Mark) Syrie, Clewiston and Dixie Newsome of Fort White, FL; sister, Linda Miller Cone, Thomasville, GA; six grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Saturday, June 11, 2011, at Evans-Carter Funeral Home in High Springs, FL, (386) 454-2444. Funeral services will be Monday, June 13, 2011 at 2:00 PM at Akin-Davis Chapel in Clewiston, FL. Burial will be in Ridgelawn Cemetery in Clewiston.
Arrangements are under the care of Evans-Carter Funeral Home, High Springs, FL. and Akin-Davis Funeral Home
Inez Couch of LaBelle, Fl. Inez was the assistant to Dallas Townsend, Hendry Agricultural agent for many years. She was very involved in the 4H program. She passed away Thursday, June 9th, 2011.
Visitation will be from 6 7:30 p.m.Thursday June 16 at Akin-Davis Funeral Home. Service at 7:30 p.m.
On June 13, 2011, Virginia Cantu also known as "Bea" to all her family and friends, she won the fight against breast cancer and left us with a smile on her face. She was an amazing mother, daughter, sister and friend. Her smile will always be remembered. She was the biggest Miami Hurricane fan and she truly loved watching the girl's play softball.
She is survived by her three daughters: Mercedes Cantu, Vanessa Cantu and Rumor Cantu with their father Valdomero Cantu; mother: Rosa Marroquin; father: Frank Marroquin; sister: Frances Canales (Adan); brother: Frankie Marroquin (Kimberly); nieces: Priscilla Jo Canales, Tiffany Canales, Elanee Marroquin and Brandynn Marroquin; nephews: Zane and Zander Marroquin; paternal grandfather: Tony Marroquin and maternal grandmother: Margarita Vasquez.
She will be missed but never forgotten.
Calling hours will be on Friday, June 17, 2011 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, LaBelle.
The funeral service will be at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, June 18, 2011 at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, LaBelle, Fl, with Father Chester Domaszewicz officiating. Interment will be in the Fort Denaud Cemetery.
Jamie Francis Boyce, age 26, of Immokalee passed away, Saturday, June 18, 2011 in Jacksonville, FL. Jamie was born November 22, 1984 in Fort Myers, FL. She is the daughter of Julian Francis and Ferrie L. (Elrod) Boyce.
She is survived by her mother; Ferrie L. Boyce, father; Julian Francis Boyce, brother; Stephen M. Gerstman, sisters; Nicole A. Hannoud and Julie Gerstein, nephews; Justin Gerstman, Kyle Pierce, Elliot Pierce and Julian Gerstein, Nieces; Morgan Pierce and Lilly Pierce, uncle; Gene Boyce.
The funeral service will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at First Baptist Church of Immokalee, with Pastor Dennis Norvell and Pastor Bronc Flint officiating.
Visitation will be Wednesday, June 22, 2011 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm at First Baptist Church of Immokalee, Immokalee, FL. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home - LaBelle
Men Dying Five Years Sooner Than Women
Studies have shown that men are still dying nearly five years earlier than women. This difference is even more pronounced for African American men. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in addition to a shorter lifespan, men are almost twice as likely as women to die of heart disease.
Risk factors for heart disease can include: •High Blood Pressure • High Cholesterol • Strong Family History • Smoking • Diabetes
Another health issue for men includes prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting men. Prostate screening can save lives. Men can start getting screenings around the age of 40, although many men wait until they are much older to get the screening. Treatment for prostate cancer varies. It can depend on how old you are, how sick you are, or how advanced the prostate cancer is at the time of diagnosis. Men should pay attention to their bodies and should not be afraid to get regular check ups with their healthcare providers.
Men can be safer, stronger, and healthier by taking daily steps and getting care when needed. Improving men's health is not limited to a doctor's office or a hospital; it starts at home with individuals and families taking steps to live safer and healthier lives.
Why Casey Anthony Will Walk Free - Baez' New Defense

(photo: Dorothy Clay Sims comforts Casey Anthony)
Anthony goes into the defense portion of the trial with one big advantage, she's a proven liar. She's gotten away with it for a long time, some say learning from her father. George Anthony has been accused of being a liar by his ex-wife, according to Dr. Drew Pinsky on his nightly cable tv show.
1. Casey is a pathological liar, reinforced over the years by father George Anthony
2. A pathological liar uncontrollably makes up lies bearing no semblance to reality and are even harmful to themselves
3. Casey lied to attorney Baez, confusing him, making a strategy of defense to confront her accusers impossible
4. There is no medical or psychological treatment for pathological liars
5. It is cruel and unusual to criminally punish anti-social behavior that has no current treatment
6. Anthony cannot be convicted criminally for lying because of the unusual untreatable condition she has
7. Anthony cannot be convicted of murder because reasonable doubt has been shown at trial
8. Anthony should be committed to a psychiatric facility for study and treatment, should treatment ever be available
About Pathological Lying - Pseudologia Phantastica
Prevalence of PL in the population is unknown, but a study of 1000 repeat juvenile offenders found a prevalence of close to 1%. The average age at onset of the lying behavior was 16 and the average age at discovery was 22. The intelligence quotient (IQ) was found to be average or slightly below average, with significantly better verbal IQ than performance IQ; and a history of brain abnormality in 40% of the cases, characterized by epilepsy, abnormal electroencephalographic findings, head trauma, or infection.