Thursday, August 14, 2008

Forestry - Hendry Trees Burn

Smoky Skies In Central Hendry County

CLEWISTON, FL. -- The local Florida Department of Forestry Center is scheduling a 200 acre prescribed forestry burn Thursday in Hendry County off Dog Island and County Road 833.  The burn is a part of an on-going fuel reduction program.
Burning was scheduled to begin at approximately 11:00.  Preparation work and test burns werel be done earlier in the day.
Residents in the immediate area have been notified.  Although a smoke management plan has been done, unpredicted wind shifts may cause smoky conditions to occur in the area, says the department. 

Those who are smoke sensitive due to medical or other conditions should take appropriate precautions.  Anyone entering the area should use caution, drive with lights on in smoky area and be alert for the heavy equipment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    What's the big deal? The sugar polluting industry burns a hell of lot more for profits every day for 6 months of the year while we all choke and bathe in nasty ash and nobody gives a darn. In fact everyone plays it down, and they even get subsidised by the taxpayers to boot!!! what a racket.
