This certification has been achieved through the successful completion of a rigid experiential background application, and an intensive written examination prepared by the Commission and the American Jail Association.
The JMCC and the American Jail Association promote the concept of voluntary certification for all jail managers. Certification is part of a process called credentialing and focuses specifically on the individual. It provides documented evidence to the public that the individual has been examined by an independent professional organization and found to possess current competency in his/her field.
Since being hired by the Hendry County Sheriff’s Office in February of 2011 Capt. Bastys has served as the Hendry County Jail Administrator. Capt. Bastys retired from Collier County Sheriff’s Office in 2010 where he served as Corrections Commander. Capt. Bastys began his management career with the Collier County Sheriff’s Office in January 1995 as the Jail Supervisor of the Immokalee Jail.
Captain Bastys has over 30 years of correctional experience, with 16 years of that in Jail Administration.
“I am very proud to announce Captain Bastys is the first Jail Administrator of the Hendry County Jail to attain this prestigious certification”, said Hendry County Sheriff Steve Whidden.
Kudos to the feat. But on to another issue. It is an absolute shame, that you had a competent, loyal,committed, and able individual on staff already who was doing this job, (Micheal Kosh) and was appointed the Jail Administrator in 2009 by Whidden. Kosh had one certification under his belt already. This would have been no problem. But Kevin Nelson had to bring yet another individual into the mix from Collier County, besides the 80,000 a year IT Manager he brought in, demote Kosh, and have this new individual serve in the exact capacity. So much for loyalty, and support during an election. But then again we all have seen how that loyalty and support was awarded. Personally if I was Kosh, I would seek employment elsewhere where my experience and aptitude could be appreciated. Where did all this extra funding for the authorized strength come from? Especially since there were persons terminated with reasons of "budget issues" Seems that is going to be very difficult to prove out in the coming months. We will see how the public responds at that point with Whidden.