Monday, January 31, 2022

Great Backyard Bird Count 2022

What is the Great Backyard Bird Count? From February 18 to 21, 2022, people across the world make a concerted effort to watch and count birds around their homes and communities for those four days. This is the bird count that celebrates the ordinary and wants to learn more about the mundane. Every bird is worth counting, whether it’s the Northern Cardinal you watch out your window while having a cup of coffee, or the Tree Swallows that fly to their roost trees during your drive home. You can watch from home, or on a neighborhood walk, or even from a favorite birding location.

To take part, all you have to do is count birds for fifteen minutes (or more!) between February 18 and February 21, anywhere you’d like, and then submit your list to Simple as that, and you’re part of a global citizen science project! Watch for information about events being offered during the GBBC 2022.

You are invited to join Hendry-Glades Audubon volunteers for an escorted driving trips at STA 5/6 (Stormwater Treatment Area 5/6 on February 19, 20, and 21st. We’ll focus on the wading and wintering birds at the site. To register go to For information email

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