Monday, January 09, 2012

USPS Failed Delivery Notice Malware Scam

Malware Alert: Email Notification Of Failed USPS Delivery

LABELLE, FL. -- In yet another email scam, an unknown sender is attempting to get recipients to click on a link which will download a zip file. The file contains a malware attack that will infect Windows computers.

The tip off that the email in not legit is the signature of "USPS United Parcel Service of America, Inc. which is neither the U.S. Post Office or UPS. The email reads as follows:

Unfortunately we failed to deliver the postal package you have sent in time because the recipient's address is erroneous. 
Please print out the shipment label attached and collect the package at our office. 
Thank you, 
USPS United Parcel Service of America, Inc.
Mon, 8 Jan 2012 19:37:03 +0100
Internet users are advised to read carefully any email requesting you click on a link, and especially anything that may be downloaded to your computer or an email from an unknown party asking for a response from you.


  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I just received the identical notice and became suspicious and did not open the link. Who should I notify; or should I just delete the message?

  2. Deleting the message would be the best thing to do. Authorities are most likely aware of this type email but it's hard to crack down on them since they just change identities and begin again with new names or scams.
