Coverage Everywhere As Hurricane Enters New York City
It's no longer the Casey Anthony trial and Jose Baez that has the local and national news coverage going non-stop. Now on a radio, TV or internet page it's continuous Hurricane Irene coverage..
Some of the most "entertaining" coverage I've seen is on DirectTV's channel 259 where coverage from New York area television stations is shown commercial free. Watch local politicians interviewed and listen to area news commentators chit-chatting and interviewing raincoat clad reporters standing on city streets.
Notable is the abundance of "ums" and "ahs" in just about every sentence uttered by both officials and news presenters.
On radio heard in Hendry-Glades county is 850 AM WINZ radio from Fort Lauderdale, now broadcasting New York's FM NEWS 101.9 non-stop coverage of the hurricane from New York.
The old standbys of CNN and the Weather Channel also offer continuing coverage (with lots of interrupting commercials from insurance companies and attorneys) and even more coverage from folks standing in the rain.
We don't have Jose Baez to kick around anymore, but hey, let's make fun of people standing in the rain and politicians "ahhing" and "umming."
The winds are expected to downgrade to tropical storm status, and street flooding is expected in Manhattan as the Hudson River back ups from winds forces from the east during high tide as the storm passes northward Sunday morning up the east coast.
I have a friend in Upper Manhattan who didn't think the storm would be a big deal, and thought it was all 'hype'. He is very active on his Facebook page, and suddenly has completely stopped using it for over 48 hours now (which is not like him, especially with the storm comments). I think he lost power and apparently WiFi from the storm. We haven't heard a thing from him since about 6PM Saturday. If it were just a power outage, he could still use a laptop with battery power or a mobile device to access the Internet. So I am guessing they lost power, and/or local WiFi access was wiped out from the storm. They got about 12" of rain in NYC!